carriage complaint against one distributor;28 in addition, distributors may simply copy the programmers' format and deny carriage (or threaten to do so in negotiations).29 In addition to the formal consolidation, a former cable executive points out "all of the executives at the top of these [cable] companies have been in and around the industry for years and have close personal and professional ties."30 These ties facilitate discussions such as those around TV Everywhere. Money flows: Cable TV distributors charge consumers monthly subscription fees for packages of content at generally unregulated prices far above cost.31 With these revenues, the distributors pay programmers (their suppliers) a per-subscriber fee for every house that receives the programmers' channel. The fee may include advertising slots provided to the distributor, and it may decrease based on channel placement.32 Cable distributors pay about a third of subscriber fees to cable programmers; these fees comprise half of the programmers' revenues, with the other half coming largely from advertising. Programmers also pay studios, which provide content for their channels.33 These deals vary based on the market power of the programmer and the distributor.34Some "must-have" non-broadcast programmers, such as ESPN (which is owned by Disney) can charge large per-subscriber fees. For instance, Comcast pays ESPN's owners $2.90 per subscriber per month.35Because broadcast channels (such as affiliates of ABC, NBC, Fox and CBS) are available over the air for free, cable operators historically resisted paying fees to broadcasters for carriage but would agree to carry ESPN vpn outside usa other programming owned by the broadcaster. Today, some broadcasters have succeeded in negotiating per-subscriber fees.36 Perhaps because their content is already available for free over the air, broadcasters like those participating in Hulu have been relatively quick to distribute content online without subscriptions in an advertiser-supported model.
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